Shyama Sundari
“Shyama Sundari” is based on George Bernard Shaw’s 1910 short comedy “The Dark Lady of the Sonnets”. The play is a modern Bengali adaptation of the same story Click to see the Summary
Shyama Sundari
“Shyama Sundari” is based on George Bernard Shaw’s 1910 short comedy “The Dark Lady of the Sonnets”. The play is a modern Bengali adaptation of the same story in which William Shakespeare, intending to meet the "Dark Lady", accidentally encounters Queen Elizabeth I and attempts to persuade her to create a national theatre.
Based on G.B. Shaw’s “The Dark Lady of the Sonnets”
Translation: Kaushik Roychowdhury
Set Design: Sanchayan Ghosh
Light Design: Dipak Mukhopadhyay
Music: Pilu Bhattacharya
Sound Operation: Anindya Nandy
Make-up: Panchanan Manna
Direction: Debesh Chattopadhyay
Shouvik Majumder
Kastury Chattopadhyay
Papiya Bandopadhyay
Akash Dasgupta
Satabdi Bose
Sanjay Pramanik
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